About me
My business, background and experience
Auktoriserad Turistguide i Stockholm, medlem i FSAG (Föreningen Stockholms
Auktoriserade Guider) och i WFTGA (World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations).
As a guide, I also have assignments for tourist groups that come via the large cruise ships but also smaller groups from the various hotels in town.
Born and raised in Malmö but been living in Stockholm and now Södermalmsbo since many years.
Educated lawyer from Lund University and after varied roles in the banking and finance sector today active as a consultant with focus as an expert in AML (the regulations on money laundering and terrorist financing) and GDPR (data protection).
For more information on my various consultancy assignments, see my LinkedIn profile.
Aditional information
If you want to know more, you want to book a guided tour or citywalk or have other questions, please contact me via email guide.bognas@guidebognas.com
Stebo Consulting Legal Counsel
Legal expert within GDPR (data protection) och AML (anti money laundering).
Presently legal counsel at Ecster AB